Saint Bernard’s Church
Branch 390
The Italian Catholic Federation is a family oriented, fraternal organization open to all Catholics. There are branches in California, Arizona, Nevada and Illinois.
Our branch was chartered July 12, 1986. Currently we have over 150 members. We hold monthly dinner meetings, with the proceeds going to support the following:
- College Scholarships
- ICF National Charities: Cooley’s Anemia Research & Gifts of Love
- Bishop’s Seminary Training
- St. Bernard’s Church: Building Fund & Ministry of Caring
By attending our monthly dinners, you will help provide funds for these worthwhile causes.
Our Story
Our Branch Officers (2025)
President Denis Della Nina (209) 814-8060
1st Vice President Joe Bacchetti (209) 481-74272
2nd Vice President Alena Chappell (209)604-3458
Recording Secretary Nichole Misfsud (209)603-7244
Financial Secretary Annette Elissagaray (209)832-3252
Treasurer Serena Martocchio (209)832-9544
Correspondence Secretary Betty Hollars (209)814-3114
Orator Lucy Orsi (209)8355356
Sentinel Chuck Tuso (209)479-5952
Trustee Kathleen Noah (209)483-5555
Trustee Maryiln Tuso (209)479-2834
Trustee Gary Del Carlo (209)835-2872
Sentinel Chuck Tuso (209)832-2946

Denis Della Nina/ President
This is Denis first year on the board and now president of our branch and he is hoping to keep the branch moving smoothly

Joe Bacchetti/ 1st Vice President
He is in line to be our next president and also a great bartender helping us stay happy. Ready to take over for Denis

Alena Chappell/ 2nd Vice President
Alena is a charter member of Branch 390 Helping when needed, mostly in the kitchen.
Meet the Rest of the Team
We work hard together to make a better organization!

Nichole Misfsud is one of our newest board members and is ready take the minutes at our board meeting.
Betty Hollars does all of our correspondence with the Bollettino and the St. Bernard’s newsletter letting people know about when the next dinner/meeting will take place.
Annette Elissagaray is one of the hardest working officers we have. She is in charge of our membership and scholarship program. She also does the purchasing of the items we need to put on our dinner every month, besides keeping us organized.
Serena Martocchio is our treasure. She one of the people at the door who takes your money for our dinner/meeting. she keeps our books in order so we know how much we can donate to the various charities we support.
Lucy Orsi, says our prays before dinner and after our meeting, She is a big help in the kitchen, Slicing the desserts or making sure the food gets out to be served.
Gary Del Carlo, Kathleen Noah, & Marilyn Tuso are our Trustee. Every month they ensures that our books are correct and in order.
Charles Tuso is our Sentinel. He greets you at every dinner/meeting and helps you find a place to sit. If you get out of hand, he will remove you.

Deacon Pete Ryza is our Branch Chaplin and is always there for our spiritual needs.